Baltimore Police Department Science and Management Services Division

Internship Program

The Baltimore Police Department Science and Management Services Division welcomes the significant contribution college-level interns can provide.  We have developed a comprehensive internship program that encompasses the variety of fields found within our agency.

The intent of the internship is to allow the intern to witness and practice how forensic science and criminal justice processes work in a real world application.  Interns will shadow experienced analysts or sworn personnel, perform tasks and experiments and work on projects as needed.  The BPD Internship is mostly suited to those applicants who are majoring in the fields of Forensic Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Forensic Science) or Criminal Justice.

The internship is unpaid and competitive.  Being an intern allows you to develop relationships while exploring the field of your interest.  Though an internship is never a guarantee of employment, the experience can give you an advantage while seeking future employment.  We are proud to say that some of our outstanding interns are now our employees.

Internships are offered for the Spring, Summer and Fall semesters and as such the due dates for each semester are described below.

Spring Internship - Completed application materials must be submitted by October 1 of the previous year.
Summer Internship - Completed application materials must be submitted by February 1 of the same year.
Fall internships - Completed application materials must be submitted by June 1 of the same year.

Please note that you must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to apply. 
